Wednesday, 15 September 2010

RESEARCH: Concept of Short Film

Short film cannot be catogorised by genre and forms and conventions unlike most cinema films. In contrast to big cinema and hollywood films, short films are very different. They do not have set forms and conventions to make it a short film. Short films are very diverse and all very different. Early cinema short films are very different to short films in the present day. This is due to the fast developing production companies.

This short films has connotations to early cinema. This production is set in black and white with no dialogue which emphasis the miming in the acting ensuring that emotions are clear. This is very much like the early cinema experience. The music is also very old and is an instrumental to keep the flow of the short film. This was usually used in early cinema.
The next film I have displayed is a Charlie Chaplin film. He is a very successful and world known producer of short films in the early days of cinema. In comparison to the recreational early films which I analysed earlier.

This short film was highly successful and during the production of my own short film I feel that I want to emphasis the development in media so I am going to make mine modern with colour and also dialogue.